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I'm Siobhan McCracken, Mastery Health & Life Coach, and founder of Livezen Wellness. I love helping busy working parents, new moms, and anyone struggling with stress, exhaustion, anxiety, and weight gain, get back to their ideal body weight and double their energy, in fun, easy, and holistic ways.

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My Story

As a full-time working mom of 3 kids, I struggled, really struggled with exhaustion and stress. It was absolutely draining keeping up with after-school activities, doctor's appointments, birthday parties, and school projects; not to mention the 2,000 employees I was responsible for in my full-time corporate Human Resources role (which, let's be honest, was more than 40 hours per week). I was always running, with no rest. I spent my weeks in a chaotic frenzy, trying to maintain some semblance of a schedule just so I could make it through the day, with only the hope of some short time during the weekend as a means of relief. How could I help my employees and my family if I couldn't even help myself?


Torn between my family and my career, I decided I needed a change. I could not continue in this cycle of worry, stress, and exhaustion, and grew tired of the rhetoric that "everyone is stressed and busy; welcome to adulthood."  After a lot of soul-searching, I realized that the source of my exhaustion was my own expectations. My own desires to be everything for everyone but continually falling short. It was time to dig deep and discover how I could be what I really wanted to be all along...a patient mother, a kind friend, and a healthy support partner. I wanted to leverage my desires and skills into a role in which I could help others, in such a way that aligned with my values. This is when I discovered health coaching. As a health coach, I'm able to expand on the tools and skills I developed from my HR role to really be able to listen and guide my clients in a direction that helps them improve their health.


So, over the next 2 years I worked diligently to earn my Health & Life Coach Institute and Transformational Coaching Method Mastery Certifications. These certifications help me capitalize on my knowledge and experiences to become a support partner/health advocate. Together my clients and I work to uncover root causes and make real habit change for a positive, healthy impact. I hold my clients to the highest version of themselves. We celebrate their successes as they reach each new goal and hold them accountable (in a loving way) when they need that extra support. 


I love working with the exhausted, stressed, and burned-out people because that was me for so many years. There is so much joy in witnessing a client's transformation or epiphanies as we work together. The best part is this allows me to finally be my authentic self. One where I'm grateful I can be the parent, friend, and partner I've always wanted to be all those years ago while really helping others.


Our mission is to help people step into the highest version of themselves, using holistic, fun, and easy habit change methods that fit their unique lifestyles and body types. 


Bachelor's of Arts

Health & Life Coach Certification

Mastery Coaching Certification - Health Coach Institute International Coaching Federation

Functional Nutrition



I love helping people uncover what's been stopping them or slowing them down from reaching their health goals. Schedule a free Discover Session to learn more!

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