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Mindful shopping, mindful living

Updated: Aug 30, 2022

Most of my clients start working with me to lose weight. They've tried lots of diets, different exercise regiments, and still have that lingering belly fat or last few pounds that they can't seem to drop. I love helping them discover easy ways to feel amazing, while practicing healthy habits that fit into their busy lifestyles. While we explore what foods work best to fuel their unique body type, how they are eating, and their relationship with food, we move away from the more traditional process of "dieting."

In my practice, the philosophy is counting chemicals, not carbs. What does this mean? Well, we are looking at the quality of the food, versus quantity. What would your neighborhood farmer eat? We stick to whole foods and avoid processed foods with additives.

One super helpful way to ensure you are picking the best quality of foods is shopping on the outside aisles. The middle aisles house the processed meals and snacks. By shopping primarily the outside aisles, you are in the produce section, getting fruits and vegetables; deli for your protein, and bakery for fresh goods. Your food selections are closer to their original form, nutrient-rich, and versatile.

Ideally, we are all shopping organic, when and where possible. But sometimes that option is not available. However, by sticking to the outside aisles in any grocery store, you can ensure you are making healthier, nutritious choices for your body, and your family members too!

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