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Mind, body, and soul in balance

Updated: Nov 11, 2022

When we hear the term "wellness" we often think of the physical body. Diet and exercise come to mind. Am I eating right? Am I working out enough? And while physical fitness is definitely an important part of wellness, mental and emotional health are also significant.

We all know that stress, exhaustion, and anxiety have negative impact on the body. These conditions can lead to heart disease, digestive issues, headaches, high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, insomnia, weight gain, depression....the list goes on and on. So why then do we allow ourselves to live in a constant state of stress? How have we gotten used to it? What can we do to change it, when it is so deeply ingrained in our lives?

Taking small steps can help to manage the daily stressors in our lives. As we make small changes, our habits begin to shift, which motivate and propel us forward, allowing us to step into that higher more energetic version of ourselves.

So, what are some actions we can take now to lower stress?

  1. Step into the present moment - When you notice in your body that you are feeling stressed (maybe it's rapid breathing, clenching in the body, snappy responses, etc.), take a moment to drop in and slow down. Take deep breaths and remind yourself you are safe. Continue breathing until you feel your body start to relax. Once your body is in a more relaxed state, you will be better able to deal with whatever obstacle is before you.

  2. Take a break - Allow yourself the opportunity to take breaks. No matter how busy the day, give yourself a break. Disconnect, even if just for 5 minutes. Stepping outside to get a breath of fresh air is a wonderful way to get a bit of vitamin D while reenergizing yourself.

  3. Treat yourself - Self-care is the ultimate form of self-love. Treat yourself like you would treat someone you love. Practice regular self-care; whether that is getting a massage, leaning into a hobby, or just enjoying a nice bubble bath.

These are just a few ways to strengthen the bond between the mental, emotional, and physical self. Taking care of your emotional and mental health, allows your physical body to heal and rest. By practicing mindfulness, you literally switch on the parasympathetic nervous system - your feel and heal response. This lowers blood pressure, promotes digestion, and allows you to function from of place of calm decision making. By practicing self-care, you are allowing your physical self to heal and avoid disease. You are aligning with the best version of yourself. So, read that book, plan that trip, give yourself the gift of love and healing.

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