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Great ways to detox your mind

We all want to have more energy and feel so great that we leap out of bed eager to take on the day. But first, we have to make space for it in our own minds. Think of calming your mind as allowing space for new energy to flow.

So how can you calm your mind?

Step 1: Put both your feet firmly on the ground, sit up straight with your shoulders pulled back to open your heart. Close your eyes and take ten full, DEEP breaths in and and and out...

When you open your eyes notice how different your body feels. Do you feel calmer? Clearer? More relaxed?

Step 2: Think of a short, sweet sentence that allows you to set an intention for the day.

Here are some examples - use any that resonate with you, or make your own.

  • I am worthy

  • I am strong

  • I am love

You can repeat this intention / motivational mantra to yourself or out loud throughout the day. Write it on a stick note and put it on your computer or mirror to remind you of your positive intention.

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