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New Year's Resolutions

The new year brings excitement, opportunity, and optimism for the future. Many people find this is the perfect time to look forward and create new goals or intentions. However, 80% of people lose motivation and ditch their resolutions by February. Here are some tips to prevent your 2023 goals from being your 2024 resolutions.

  • Start small - create realistic goals that you can commit to now, and add on as you progress. You have a whole year, try not to cram it all in at once.

  • Align with your values - ask yourself if your goal aligns with the best version of you that you are becoming.

  • Make a plan - once you have your realistic goal, make a plan on how to achieve the goal (schedule time on your calendar, etc.)

  • Set reminders - use your phone or other tools to help hold you accountable to your commitments.

  • Have fun! - Treat yourself to reward your progress and efforts. Remember, this is all for you...enjoy!

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