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Morning Routine for a Stress-Free Day

Start your day with a morning ritual to boost mindfulness, health, and lower stress.

It can be a challenge to get out of bed in the morning. By starting the morning with ease and mindfulness practices, it can help to set the tone for the rest of your day. Not only can these tips help to create the day you desire, but can also improve your mental health, metabolism, and energy!

#1 - Don't look at your phone!

It is super tempting to check your phone for notifications and updates, but it can lead to unwanted distractions and time wasted scrolling. Plus, some information we receive online can be negative and undesirable first thing in the morning. Save checking your phone for after your morning ritual is complete.

#2 - Drink water

Keep a glass of water by your bed so you can wake up and hydrate your body. This helps to flush out toxins and prevent kidney stones and bladder infections. Try to drink 8 oz as soon as you wake up and see how quickly this helps to waken your mind.

#3 - Practice deep breathing / meditation

By taking a few minutes to engage in deep breathing, you reduce your stress hormone, cortisol, which helps to to relax and ease into the day. Deep breathing also aids in digestion, so you are prepping your body for breakfast with this practice as well.

#4 - Yoga

Whether it is a 5 minute yoga practice or just a quick stretch, taking a few minutes to loosen your muscles will get your blood circulating. It also helps to relieve any tension from the previous night's sleep.

#5 - Journal / Affirmations

Writing down your thoughts is a great gratitude practice and boosts creativity. Verbalizing affirmations helps to reinforce your intentions for the day. Plus, continued practice of vocalizing positive affirmations helps reprogram the brain.

#6 - Make your bed

It only takes a few minutes and creates a sense of productivity and accomplishment before you even leave your room! In addition, a nicely made bed makes your room look neater and is welcoming and inviting for when you are ready to go to sleep in the evening.

#7 - Eat breakfast

It doesn't matter what time you eat, rather the quality of the food. Ensure that your first meal of the day is nutritious to give you the energy you need for the day. Aim for whole foods with a balance of carbs, healthy fats, and protein. And if you are a coffee drinker, wait to have your coffee with or after breakfast to help regulate your blood sugar.

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